Wednesday, August 27, 2008

More Choke fun

Clips are going up all over the place, and while I was initially torn as to whether or not to watch them, my love of all things Sam Rockwell won out. And lucky for me, they are all great and I don't think they've spoiled anything. I can understand not wanting to see half the movie before it opens, which is why I often stop watching clips a few weeks before a premiere - the Dark Knight being a case in point. But occasionally a studio has the good sense to release just a few good clips, which actually make you excited to see a film, without giving away the best parts or major plot developments. It makes me happy when Hollywood gets it right.

Anyhoo - clip 1 (Colonial America), clip 2 (visiting Angelica), clip 3 (Angelica and young Victor - love the hat!)

Also, the higher def Frost/Nixon trailer can be found here.

That's all the update from here, and as I'm taking off for labor day, I probably won't get back into the swing of actual updates till September. At that point, I'd like to try writing some more columns, in addition to your regularly scheduled linkspam, but as I still don't have a laptop, we will see how that pans out.

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